
General (156)

Bar Exam Pass Rate Plummets Over Last Decade

Prospective lawyers are failing their respective bar exams with greater frequency, leaving some to question if there are fundamental flaws with the legal education system.


When There’s a Will, There’s a Way

At least 55% of Americans do not have a Last Will and Testament, according to LexisNexis.


Equal Justice Conf. Takes Aim at Rising Court Costs, Importance of Pro Bono Work

Considering the devastating long-term impacts of inadequate representation for low-income earners, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service and the National Legal Aid & Defender Association will host the annual Equal Justice Conference later this week, according to information from the ABA.


How to Become An Attorney-at-Author

“There is a distinct difference between writing like a lawyer and everybody else in the world,” says Steve Berry, a New York Times best-selling author and former attorney.


For ABA Woman’s Commission Chair, Every Month is Women's HIstory Month

March is Women’s History Month, and retrospectives, presentations and discussions about hot-button gender-equality issues have again come into the national spotlight. For Michele Coleman Mayes, chairwoman of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession, though, every month feels like Women’s History Month, likening the experience to a sort of “Groundhog’s Day.”


How Hosting Seminars Can Help You Grow Your Practice

Approximately 20 years ago, a client of the Encino, California law firm of Horvitz & Levy, LLP asked if the firm could offer a seminar to him and his staff on a topic related to the legal matter the firm was handling.


How to Cut Your Law Firm’s Printing Costs

Despite the groundswell of people urging their fellow citizens to ‘Go Green,’ there is no denying paper is an intrinsic aspect of every law practice. Even paperless law firms have to print something once in a while, and with every printed page comes a cost.


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