
General (156)

Law Schools Should Monitor Law Students for Addiction: Brian Cuban

“Law schools don’t have to be treatment centers but they can spend money to create a path for helping” law students deal with addiction and other mental health issues, regardless of where they fall on the spectrum, says Brian Cuban, a former practicing attorney in long-term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.


Lawmakers from Both Parties Plan to Take Action on Russian Hack

The fallout from Russia's alleged hacking of the U.S. presidential election continues to spark action and criticism from pols spanning the political spectrum, and has even catalyzed some unlikely alliances on Capitol Hill.


Oft Vilified ALPIA Asks Instead to ‘Love Your Lawyer’

Love Your Lawyer Day is no joke. With scores of supporters taking to the Internet to show love and support to lawyers, the 15th annual Love Your Lawyer Day featured social media chatter ranging from the importance of diversity in the field, to appreciation for those who tirelessly defend those in need of advocacy and pro bono work.


Lawyers for the Arts: Doing Good for Creatives

“Artists typically need legal assistance the most when they can afford it the least,” says Casey Summar, Executive Director of the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville.


Should Lawyers Socialize with Staffers? says it means “to associate or mingle sociably with others.” Steve Smith, a California-based business consultant and owner of Growth Source Coaching, defines it as “any interaction whereby informal conversation takes place about matters aside from business.”


Vacant District Court Seats Contributing to Judicial ‘Emergencies’: ABA Pres. to Senate

With one of the most polarizing presidential elections well under way, partisan differences are evident in almost every facet of policy and government. Federal district court vacancies are no exception, with Republicans, Democrats and interested third parties invoking precedent and the Constitution, among other things, as evidence of how to proceed during the last few months of President Barack Obama’s administration.


Ever Met An Attorney Named 'Judge'?

If the election was held today, California would earn 28 votes. Ohio, consistently viewed as an electorate bell weather, pales in comparison, with only 9. Since this writer lives in Columbus, home of the Ohio State Buckeyes, it’s no surprise I feel elation that Michigan, referred to in Columbus as “The State Up North,” rings in with only three.

Be that as it may, these statistics are not related to the presidential election. Instead, they refer to the number of licensed lawyers in those states whose last name is “Judge.”


Advice to Law School Students: It’s All About Relationships

The month of August represents different things to different people; some relish in the last few long, hot days of summer by the pool or lake, some soak in the playoff baseball hunt and eagerly await the beginning of (fantasy) football season--and for many, it’s time to start preparing for another year of school.


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