
General (156)

Shrinking Graduating Class Sizes Contributing to Augmented Employment Ratio

The percentage of 2016 law school graduates with full-time, long-term Bar Passage Required or J.D. Advantage jobs is up 3 percentage points from 2015, according to newly released statistics from the American Bar Association.


Law Firms Grapple with Attorney Vacation Time

Jonathan Pollard, namesake of Florida competition law firm's Pollard PLLC, recently announced a unique way to recognize the devotion and successes enjoyed by his team of lawyers that he hopes will be emulated by other firms.


Law Firms Increasingly Using Alternative Legal Service Providers

If it seems that ads from businesses offering services supporting the practice of law are popping up on your LinkedIn or Facebook feed more often than they used to, it’s not your imagination.


Lawyers Need to Offer Basic Competencies to Keep Clients Happy: Study

When the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) wanted to learn what skills and attributes were sought by large law firms and corporate law departments in the new lawyers they hire, they surveyed thousands of them to find out.


ABA Offers Cyber Insurance Amid Growing Threat

Due to increasingly frequent cyberattacks, the American Bar Association will now offer insurance to protect against an array of expenses associated with digital attacks.


Trump, Clinton and Cigarettes Top February Verdicts

From Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, to cigarettes and cerebral palsy, here are some notable verdicts from February.  


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