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Law Student Who Failed Bar Exam Pens Motion Demanding Judges 'Follow the GOT DAMN LAW’

Law school graduate Zundria Crawford’s crusade against Mississippi Board of Bar Admissions has taken a profane turn as her latest filing accuses the justices of the Mississippi Supreme Court as being “proven tyrants, hypocrites, criminals, and tortfeasors.” So reports Above the Law.

fail 1714367 640.jpegCrawford failed the 2015 Mississippi bar exam and has since sued to have the grade changed to passing. She has claimed the test was misgraded and accused the state bar of cheating and collusion. At one point in her latest motion, she called upon the state Supreme Court justices to follow the law “ya damn self” and threatened to “beat y’all’s asses unconscious, kick your asses in court, and then kick your asses again and shake your hands,” among making other outrageous claims. She also wote that "you disgusting muthafuckas are going to follow the got damn law in THIS CASE if you have never followed the law in yo GOT DAMN LIFE!!!!,”

Read the full article from Above the Law.

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