
technology (79)

FTC Aggressively Approaching Data Security

The Federal Trade Commission has been aggressively working to curb companies’ misrepresentation about their compliance with international data privacy standards, with a settlement with Inc. being its most recent action.


ABA Meeting: Cyber Attacks Serious Threat to Law Firms

As hackers and cyber criminals constantly try to stay one step ahead of firewalls and corporate IT departments, the ABA will be hosting a discussion highlighting ways to combat those efforts, and the ethical obligations law firms have to take protective measures for their clients.


Increasing Productivity by Appropriately Managing Technology

If you find workplace interruptions, such as impromptu meetings with co-workers popping into your office, impact your productivity at work, you’re not alone.


Law Firms Can't Claim Specialties on LinkedIn: NY Bar Ethics Committee

The New York State bar's ethics committee concluded earlier this summer that law firms may not list anything under the "Specialties" section on the social media career networking site LinkedIn. So Bloomberg reports.


Feds Ban Sale of Patent-Infringing Samsung Devices

In a decision that has the potential to spark a rebuke from the South Korean government, the U.S. International Trade Commission on June 9 moved to prohibit Samsung from importing, selling and distributing devices in the United States that infringe on two Apple Inc. patents covering technology employed by mobile devices. So reports Reuters.


Lack of Tech Savvy Can Turn Your Bottom Line

Tech Savvy Lawyer


Technology is an integral part of most lawyers’ life, but a lack of know-how can impact a firm’s bottom line. “Lawyers need to figure out and perfect paper work flow,” says Paul J. Unger, an attorney in Columbus, Ohio who is also the founding partner of Affinity Consulting Group. Unger’s firm counsels attorneys on how to conduct effective electronic discovery, improve their technological efficiency and more.


Is Your Firm Ready for B.Y.O.D.?

Smart Phones and the law practice

If the recently released results of a Cisco poll about the ubiquitous presence of smart phones at work are to believed, the trend of BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, is here to stay. According to the survey, 90% of Americans use their own devices at work. However, they’re not necessarily securing them.


Trust Accounting: Essential Do’s and Don’ts

Doc 44783 PaymentsDuring the last 13 years, I have seen just about everything in the field of trust accounting. However, when I was retained by a firm to work completely outside of that realm, I stumbled upon the worst scenario yet.

Have You Checked the Tire Pressure on Your Computer Lately?

I own a late model car. It gets me from point A to point B and it’s reliable transportation. While it’s been many years since I personally put on new brake pads or changed the oil, I still fill up the windshield washer fluid and check the tire pressure periodically. I know that, even with my basic understanding of how cars work, periodic maintenance keeps my car on the road, safe and reliable. The same is true of your computer, whether it be a laptop or desktop, PC or Mac.


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