Mary Ann Cacho

Branding and Social Media: how they work together to build your firm's business

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Let’s say your practice is family law. It’s a highly competitive specialty in your community. You know that if you want to attract new clients, you need to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack.

But, how?

You start by considering what makes your firm different from the others. Then, you think about how you can communicate those distinctive qualities.

You want to ensure that people remember your firm’s name when they need legal representation. Whether you know it or not, what you’re doing is developing and using your firm’s brand.

Download this guide for tips on shaping your messaging, developing your brand and standing out from the crowd.

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2021 State of U.S. Small Law Firms Report

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A roller coaster on repeat.

That is how some have characterized the overall global economy for much of the past two years.

These same global effects have trickled down to be felt at all levels of the economy, from countries, to states,
to communities, to industries. The legal industry has not been immune, although writ large, legal professionals
have fared better than members of many other industries.

At the end of 2020, large law firms reported impressive results, which have largely persisted into 2021.
Now, as we examine the state of US small law firms in 2021, we again are greeted with positive results.

Download this report to learn more about the challenges and what you can do to come out ahead.
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Guide for solo attorneys around branding and social media

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How they work together to build your firm’s business

Let’s say your practice is family law. It’s a highly competitive specialty in your community.
You know that if you want to attract new clients, you need to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack.

So, how?

You start by considering what makes your firm different from the others. Then, you think about how you can communicate those distinctive qualities.

You want to ensure that people remember your firm’s name when they need legal representation.
Whether you know it or not, what you’re doing is developing and using your firm’s brand.

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