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Michael Vick Controversy: When is a Convict Rehabilitated?

When someone commits a crime, there are guidelines on punishment. However, once they are released from prison, its not exactly clear when someone who has committed a horrific crime is truly rehabilitated. This is a topic many New York Jets fans have weighed in on in recent weeks with the team's signing of quarterback Michael Vick. So reports ESPN.

Vick served 21 months in federal lockup on dogfighting-related charges, which included gory details about executing losing animals via hanging and electrocution, as well as gut-wrenching accounts of defenseless, non-fighting dogs being torn apart by fighting dogs during training exercises.  

Since his release from prison, Vick has gone to great lengths to make amends for his transgressions, contributing to anti-dogfighting campaigns and donating money to charitable causes. However, the masses are split on whether Vick is, or ever can be, rehabilitated.

Read the full article from ESPN.

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